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原文链接:http://the.ichibod.com/kiji/always-constrain-a-view-controller-to-portrait-or-landscape-orientation/ Interesting problem: most of your app allows for any orientation, however one specific view controller is picky and can only be either of the portrait (or landscape) orientations. When switching ...
btn.frame = CGRectMake(x, y, width, height); [btn setTitle: @"search" forState: UIControlStateNormal]; //设置按钮上的自体的大小 //[btn setFont: [UIFont systemFontSize: 14.0]];    //这种可以用来设置字体的大小,但是可能会在将来的SDK版本中去除改方法 //应该使用 btn.titleLabel.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize: 14.0]; [btn seBackgroundColor: ...
REActivityViewController Out of the box activities include: Facebook Twitter VKontakte Tumblr (using XAuth) Message Mail Open in Safari Save to Pocket Send to Instapaper Save to Readability Save to Diigo Save to Kippt Save to Album Open in Maps Print Copy All activites are compatible with iOS 5.0. ...
1. 域名解析商配置泛解析 主机记录 * 记录类型 A 2. 修改Apache配置 servername serveralias 3. django 配置 allowed_hosts 4. 重启apache
mod_wsgi关于如何配置mod_wsgi+django的官方文档链接如下: https://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/IntegrationWithDjango Django官方关于如何配置Django+mod_wsgi的文档链接如下: https://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/django_apache_and_mod_wsgi 最好多看点文档。。。会节约你很多时间。。
I’ve been working with Django a bit recently on a new project, and testing out 404/500 templates in the tutorial by switching to DEBUG=False was actually resulting in 500 errors on every page. Since it was a local tutorial installation, I didn’t care to set up emailing of errors. Luckily, this post o ...
To send an e-mail through django's SMTP server you just have to define a few variables in your settings.py EMAIL_HOST = 'smtp.gmail.com' EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'user@gmail.com' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'pw' EMAIL_PORT = 587 EMAIL_USE_TLS = True You can test to make sure your settings work properly ...
If you are running Django under mod_wsgi on apache you might see errors like "IOError: failed to write data" followed by "Exception occurred processing WSGI script" in your logs, this is because your code is actually throwing an exception but Django likes to hide any errors from y ...
在python的Lib\site-packages文件夹下新建一个sitecustomize.py,内容为 # encoding=utf8 import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8')
部署环境:Windows2003Server 1. 安装Apache 2.2 2. 安装PYTHON 2.7.4 注意把PYTHON的安装目录添加到环境变量,否则命令行下不支持 python 3. 安装DJANGO 解压到C盘,进入django目录,执行命令 python setup.py install 4. 下载mod_wsgi.so,复制粘贴到APACHE安装目录 modules目录 5. 配置httpd.conf 添加 Listen 80 #必须添加这个端口的监听 否则apache不会启动这个端口 Listen 8181 #加载 mod_wsgi Lo ...
1. 备份数据库。。。导出的格式和编码要注意 2. 完全导出网站内容。。WORDPRESS 3. VPS配置生产环境 4. 导入数据库,首先创建数据库,指定数据库编码,创建用户,导入数据 5. 配置生产环境,测试
在windows命令行窗口下执行: C:\>netstat -aon|findstr "80" TCP              LISTENING       2434 由上面得知,端口被进程号为2434的进程占用,继续执行下面命令: C:\>tasklist|findstr "80" javaw.exe                     2434 Console                 0     16,064 K 结束进程命令: task ...
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